Leading Brisbane Family Lawyers

Let’s face it; if you are reading this page, you are most likely in a world of pain. You’re frightened, angry, hurt, confused, and worried about the future.

Most of all, you are absolutely terrified and overwhelmed with the legal process you are about to face regarding the division of your assets and, possibly, the legalities of whether your children will live with you, your former partner, or elsewhere.

Sometimes you can’t avoid litigation in family law matters.  This could be due to your former partner being difficult and unreasonable, or, you have engaged a highly litigious firm who unnecessarily agitates your matter, which, inevitably increases your costs and, subsequently, their pockets.

To avoid Court, it is crucial at the initial stage of separation to try and avoid being driven by emotions that could cause a long drawn-out, nasty, and expensive settlement.  Although challenging, it is beneficial to you in the long run regarding stress and your finances.  Sometimes though, as mentioned, avoiding litigation may not be possible, for example, considering your children’s best interest and or domestic violence or neglect is present in the family network and you need to protect the children.

Another way to avoid going to Court, is to engage a firm that clearly shows that they are on board with assisting you with resolving your matter rather than intentionally creating problems and starting war-like tactics.  Although, sometimes it is necessary to commence aggressively against the other side if they have already started with an aggressive front towards you.

Each matter is unique to their own set of facts and we have a lot of experience in settling straight forward matters as well as difficult and contentious matters.

The secrete to negotiations in family law disputes

One of the best ways to enter into negotiations is to work out what is your ‘best-case alternative scenario‘ and what is your ‘worse-case alternative scenario‘.

If you can work out the bottom line that you are happy to settle at, anything above is a bonus.

The aim is to start off high and to have a window of flexibility.  Although, in some cases, it may be best to start at one figure or position and not move from it at all. It really depends on your situation which is why we work closely with you to work out what the best plan for you is.

By having a tailored approach from the beginning, this enables you to aim for a quick and painless settlement on terms that you are happy with.  It also provides you with a clear and understandable path moving forward regarding the options available to you  should your former become difficult and not settle despite you and our best efforts.

From years of experience, I can tell you now that on most occasions, no one walks away from a parenting or property settlement completely happy.  It is never a pleasant time for either party.  It hurts for both sides.  So be prepared to be flexible if you can (sometimes you can’t though, as previously discussed); otherwise, you will incur a lot of stress and a substantial legal bill.

Consent Orders

If you can reach an agreement with your former partner out of Court, you can enter into what is called Consent Orders.

Property Consent Orders and Parenting Consent Orders comprise an Application for Consent Orders and Minutes of Orders.

A Notice of Risk is also required when consenting to Parenting Orders.

Once the Application for Parenting and Property Orders, Minutes of Orders and Notice of Risk has been prepared and signed, the documents are filed via the Court’s portal for review.

Then, once the documents are approved, you are then in receipt of a binding and legally enforceable agreement in the form of court orders and your matter is at an end.

Know your rights

It is really important to know your rights and where you stand legally.

Quite often we are contacted by parties who have agreed to Parenting or Property Orders without first obtaining legal advice, wanting to change the orders only to find out that without consent by the other party, Property and Parenting Orders can only be changed under extenuating circumstances.

If you are tight with money, at least obtain an inital legal consult to know your rights and discuss whether the offer you about to agree upon is in your best interest.

Invest wisely in your financial future and the wellbeing of your children. Even if you wish to draft the Application for Consent Orders, Minutes of Consent and Notice of Risk yourself, at least be knowledgeable about the documents you are agreeing to.

It will be one of the best investment you will ever make as not only will you know where you stand, you will never be left wondering if you could have received a better deal for you and or for your children.

Benefits of Consent Orders

The advantages of Consent Orders for Parenting Orders or Property Orders is that neither party has to go to Court. They also allow you to:

  • Reach a quick settlement
  • Avoid litigation
  • Avoid expensive and long drawn out nasty arguments
  • Allows you to move on with your life
  • Allows you certainty
  • Allows you closure, and peace of mind
  • Allows you to nurture and protect your and your children’s mental wellbeing by avoiding unnecessary disputes

Binding Child Support Agreements

In relation to an agreement for Child Support, if you are diverting from the standard Government Assessment from Children Services, you would enter into what is called a Binding Child Support Agreement.

Call us now to find out more about Binding Child Support Agreements and how we can help you.

How We Can Help

You’re thinking great, but I haven’t yet reached an agreement with my ex!  So how can you or your team help me settle in 21 days?

It’s easy!!

Complete our unique formulated questionnaire, provide three copies of your pay slips, a copy of your most recent superannuation statement, six months of bank statements, and children school reports if necessary and any other documentation you feel is relevant and we’ll do the rest!!

What We Do

Essentially, we will assess your matter and discuss with you in a telephone conference the secrets behind our negotiating package which we will tailor specifically for you.

We can’t discuss them in detail here otherwise we would potentially be giving away our secrets to the other side!!

To understand how we achieve Family Law negotiations for Property and Parenting Orders within 21 days call us now to arrange a telephone appointment with one of our leading Brisbane Family Lawyers.

What if it doesn’t settle – my ex is a nightmare

Not all cases can settle negotiations in 21 days due to their complexities and or the other side are being difficult, but we can guarantee you that if we cannot help you settle your negotiations within 21 days, we will offer you a 10% discount off your case for the remainder of our engagement for the month of August 2022.

Unfamiliar with the legal process?  

don’t risk making a mistake that could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars

It is essential to know what you are doing in your family law property settlement.

For example, there are critical deadlines that you need to know and follow.

Missing a deadline or not knowing what you are doing could jeopardize your case, send you bankrupt and cause financial ruin.

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Contact us now to avoid this from happening

Make sure you are on the right path to financial security.

Avoid the unknowns that are causing you anxiety.  Settle your matter knowing that you have maximised your family law legal rights and that you, and your children’s financial future has been protected.

At Skene Lawyers, one of Brisbane Leading Family Lawyers, we ensure that you are aware of each step and understand why we recommend such steps.

Property and Parenting Orders can be complicated and often final.   So it is important that you understand what you are agreeing to.

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Where do I start?

Overwhelmed and emotionally stressed by your family law separation?  

Is your your former partner demanding you to enter into Property Orders that you are unsure about, or you want to settle negotiations fast, but you don’t know where to start?

Have you received legal documents from your former partner’s family lawyer, but you can’t tell what is what or what it all means?

Give us a call and we can schedule a time to go over the documents and answer any questions you have. 

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Avoid unnecessary stress

It is already a turbulent and emotional time for you.  Let us deal with it!

Hand it all over to experienced family law lawyers.  Feel the relief within minutes of doing so.

Is your former partner sending you unnecessary emails that are upsetting?

By engaging one of our family lawyers, we will assist in limiting your exposure to unwanted emotional correspondence between you and your former partner.  This will reduce the emotional strain that you are already experiencing.

Free up your day and mind.  Let us do all of the hard work for you, and instead, you can have the freedom and time to work on healing, to find peace and tranquility, and to build a strong and solid platform for the commencement of your new life.

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What assets can I take at separation.  Can I be accused of theft?

Don’t leave your valuable assets behind.  You may not be able to retrieve them after you have left the family home due to conflict and disputes over ownership etc.

If you are unsure about ownership, take them now for safekeeping, and this can be dealt with later.  

Alternatively, give us a call and make an appointment with one of our family lawyers who can provide you with the advice you need. 

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Have you taken an asset, and your former partner wants it back?

Contact us now so that we can advise you on your rights on whether or not you can keep the asset.  Don’t risk handing back an asset or investment that could rightfully be yours!!!  Always ensure you are fully aware of your rights so that you can make the right decisions.

Did you know pets are considered property!

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Concerned your former partner will destroy or hide evidence of assets?  Want to minimize your liabilities to debts? 

Stop your former partner stealing, hiding, and destroying assets, resulting in you missing out on hundred’s of thousands of dollars.  Learn how you can prevent this from happening.

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Has your former partner stopped maintaining the house, resulting in its value rapidly decreasing and preventing you from placing it on the market? 

Don’t risk a scenario where your former partner remains in the family home and intentionally depreciates its value out of spite.  Talk to one of our family law lawyers about how we can prevent this from occurring.

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Is your former partner purposely trying to devalue an asset or is frivolously spending funds, resulting in you receiving less at the property settlement?

Failure to address this now will inevitably damage you and your children’s future finances.

Act now to prevent this from occurring.  Ensure you have the finances and credit history to buy your next home.  Avoid any regrets.  Don’t leave it until it’s too late.  

Let us help you protect your assets so that your future is not affected. 

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Do you want a property settlement now, but your former partner is refusing to respond or settle?

Is your former partner ignoring your requests to negotiate a property settlement and to enter into Property Orders?  Are they intentionally trying to keep your dispute alive and maintain control over you?  Do you want closure now and to move on with your life?

Learn how we can force your former partner to respond in 21 days!!

Experience the relief in achieving closure in your matter!!

Is your credit rating at risk to your former partner?  

Has your former partner stopped paying the mortgage, or is there a risk that this might happen?

Want to know if you are financially liable if your former partner stops paying the mortgage?  Are you still liable even though you are not living there and paying rent elsewhere?

Find out now what financial risks you are exposed to.

Don’t risk your credit rating being at risk!

Learn how to prevent this from happening.  Don’t incur a financial debt that is not yours.

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Draw Downs

Can your former partner draw down the mortgage, leaving you with a larger debt than what you had at separation?  Don’t let this happen, which could damage your financial future and prevent you from buying a new home.  

Find out how we can help you avoid this.  

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Not sure of the Asset Pool? Know your asset pool – maximise your property settlement, minimize your debts 

Not knowing the extent of your property pool could cost you hundred’s of thousands of dollars.   Avoid financial disaster by investigating the property pool thoroughly.  Leave no stone unturned. 

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Is your former partner selling off assets or hiding profits?

Learn how we can put in place preventative measures to protect assets before this occurs. 

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Is your former partner concealing any assets? 

Don’t miss out on any assets that you are entitled to.

Ensure you and your children’s financial future are protected and secured.

Don’t drag yourself through the mental anguish of not knowing if assets were concealed and always wondering what you were genuinely entitled to.

Ensure that you have done everything possible to protect your and your children’s financial security.

Engage one of our Brisbane family lawyers who are going to thoroughly investigate your case!

How to remove an aggressive or violent partner or former partner from the house?

Do you want your aggressive or violent partner to move out of the house, but they refuse to leave?

Find out how we can assist in obtaining orders from the court (without your partner knowing at first instance) ordering your partner to leave the premises even if the house or lease is in their name.  Once orders are made without your partner knowing, the police will arrive with the orders and escort your partner or former partner from the house where you will be able to remain at the premises with a protection order in force.  Learn how we can arrange this for you. 

Obtaining these orders are not simple so ensure you aware of the necessary requirements in order to qualify for such orders. 

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Abusive text messages

Sick of losing sleep wondering how you can avoid abusive and controlling communications from your former partner when discussing a property settlement? 

Contact us now.  It can all be prevented.

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Is your former partner slandering you?

Worried your former partner is going to slander you on social media?  Concerned they are going to contact your friends, family or work colleagues to defame you. 

Don’t let this happen.

Don’t risk your reputation, don’t risk loosing your job.  Act now before it’s too late.

Contact us to find out how we can help you from this occurring.

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Can I take the children when I leave? 

Avoid a recovery order costing you thousands of dollars and the risk of losing the children to your former partner. 

Make sure you know your rights before you leave.  The law states that children are to have a meaningful relationship with each parent unless they are at risk or it is unreasonably practicable.   Seek legal advice first from one of our Brisbane family lawyers before you leave with the children.  Know your rights before you act or move!

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Should I take the children?

Like the above scenario, you can run into serious issues if you are unaware of your rights. 

For example, suppose you claim to be the primary parent and leave the family home in the event of a separation (without the children) to set up a new family home for you and the children with the intention to collect the children the following day.  The other parent may refuse to hand the children over to you as you have already left the family home. 

You are then faced with a potentially expensive and lengthy legal case (possibly two to three years) to have the children returned back into your primary care in the form of Parenting Orders.

We have witnessed this many times where the primary parent leaves the family home to set up another family home for the children and then return to collect the children via an informal agreement.  But unfortunately, the other parent then refuses to hand the children over.

Don’t take this risk.  Make sure your plan is secured and documented so that you don’t risk your time with the children. 

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Current parenting arrangements not working?

Avoid placing your children in a position where they have to choose between who they spend time with.

Don’t expose the children to unnecessary arguments causing them psychological pain and emotional damage. 

Formal Consent Orders or Parenting Orders  may be better for you than informal Parenting Plans as they are enforceable by law. 

Contact one of our family lawyers now so we can assist you with Consent Orders.  Consent Orders will make you and your children’s lives easier and prevent your former partner from arguing with you in the future.

Choose the easier option and document your agreement in the early stages of separation.

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How to maintain children’s lifestyle post-separation

Has your former partner stopped paying school fees and extracurricular costs, and you are worried about your children’s education being affected?  Ensure this doesn’t happen to your children.  

Learn how to avoid this. 

Maintain their standard of lifestyle and education. 

Our Brisbane family lawyers can assist with negotiations and formalizing agreements (Binding Child Support Agreements) so that your children’s best interests are securely maintained.

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Are your Children at risk from abuse?

Are your children coming home bruised and or withdrawn when spending time with the other parent or family members?

Are they experiencing abuse from your former partner, their new partner, or a third party? 

Stop the children’s suffering now. 

Protect the children when they need you the most. 

Don’t endanger your children’s mental welfare by failing or delaying to act. 

We can immediately arrange for orders to protect your children from exposure to this abuse. 

Abuse includes emotional, physical and financial abuse. 

For example, the children’s time spent with the other parent could be supervised by a family member or a qualified supervisor at a venue that offers supervised visits.  

Or, in some warranted circumstances, certain people could be prohibited from being near or around the children.

Act now to prevent any unnecessary emotional or physical harm to your children. 

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Concerned about your former partner’s new partner?

Do they have a criminal history that could endanger your children?  Are they an alcoholic or drug addict?  Don’t leave your children vulnerable.  Make the appropriate arrangements and enquries now if you suspect illicit or illegal behaviour. 

If there are any issues, obtain the relevant orders to protect the children from all and any risk. 

Be confident that your children are always safe.

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Is your former partner one of those nasty narcissists?

Are you at risk of losing your children because of your former partner lying to them? 

Do your children seem different around you or appear to be avoiding you? 

Is it possible your former partner is turning the children against you?  This form of behaviour is called Parental Alienation. 

Act now before it’s too late and before the damage sets in.  Let one of our family lawyers help you put in place protective measures so as to avoid this from happening.

Support your children’s mental health and minimise the damage of divorce so that your relationship with them and their life and education is not affected.

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Has your former partner stopped you from seeing your children?

Has your former partner stopped you from seeing your children without any valid reason? 

This situation is dire, and you need to act immediately—failure to act immediately leaves the court with a presumption that you are happy with that arrangement. 

Act quickly if this occurs, as the longer you leave it, the harder it is to unravel the set arrangements.  

Contact one of our family lawyers urgently so that we can intervene to prevent long-term damage and immediately restore your time with the children.

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Is your former partner addicted to drugs or alcohol?

Are your children at risk to your former partners addictive behaviour to alcohol or drugs?  Protect them now before it’s too late.  Don’t leave them vulnerable.  Their safety is in your hands.

Contact us now so that we can make immediate arrangements to protect them.

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Are your children at risk of being kidnapped?

Worried your former partner will kidnap the children and relocate?  

Avoid this trauma. 

Implement measures immediately before the situation arises. 

Don’t wait and risk getting caught up in the court system (as the parent without the child), as it can take up to three years before the children are returned to your care.

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How to remove an aggressive or violent partner or former partner from the house? 

Do you want your aggressive or violent partner to move out of the house, but they refuse to leave?

Find out how we can assist in obtaining orders from the court (without your partner knowing at first instance) ordering your partner to leave the premises even if the house or lease is in their name.  

Once orders are made without your partner knowing, the police will arrive with the orders and escort your partner or former partner from the house where you will be able to remain at the premises with your children with a protection order in force.  

Obtaining orders to remove someone from the premises are not simple so ensure you aware of the necessary requirements in order to qualify for such orders. 

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Abusive text messages

Sick of losing sleep wondering how to avoid abusive and controlling communications from your former partner about parenting arrangements. 

Speak to one of our family lawyers.  It can all be prevented.

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Is your former partner slandering you?

Worried your former partner is going to slander you on social media?  Concerned they are going to contact your friends,  family or work colleagues to defame you?

Don’t let this happen.  

Don’t risk your reputation or loose your job.  Act now before it’s too late. 

Contact us to find out how we can help you from this occurring.

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Everyone has a past!

It is so important that we know the whole story.  It enables us to advise you on all aspects of your matter correctly, leaving no stone unturned.

Everything you tell us is confidential and is only ever disclosed if and when you instruct us to do so.

Many clients worry about disclosing personal information and how this information, i.e., drug-taking or gambling, may affect their case.  However, we must know everything so that we can adequately advise you.

What you say to us remains between us.

Do it once and do it fast!

Invest wisely in your future. 

Engage Skene Lawyers, who are a leading Brisbane Family Law Firm who are experienced and have the time to attend to your matter.

The more experienced your family lawyer is, the faster your case will be resolved, costing you less time and money.

An inexperienced or junior family lawyer may be cheaper at first but can cost you more money and time in the long run.  Avoid this mistake.

Often our family law firm is contacted by clients who initially engaged cheaper lawyers.  As a result, they found that their lawyer was inexperience, overworked or both.

Consequently, their case was either damaged, unsatisfactorily settled, or left incomplete.

Further, the client’s calls were often rarely answered or returned by their lawyer and when the call was returned, the solicitor was so unfamiliar with the matter that they would have to review the file again before responding.   This delay would slow down the process, endanger their case and most of all, cost them more money and time.

A busy lawyer may not be the best lawyer for you!

At Skene Lawyers, we ensure our family lawyers will always have the time to deal with your matter and immediately address anything urgent that arises during your case.  We guarantee this or your money back.*

Don’t cut corners and risk you and your children’s future.

Engaging an experienced lawyer will resolve your case quickly minimizing the time and money you will need to spend in the long run.

At Skene Lawyers, we guarantee to offer you high-level, experienced, efficient, and time-effective lawyers.

Contact us now so we can get started!

Instant response!

As mentioned, a busy law firm does not necessarily mean a good law firm.

What you want is a law firm that responds quickly to you, and we do so within 24 hours, guaranteed or your money back.*

Busy lawyers have less time to respond and act urgently upon matters causing you unnecessary stress and sleepless nights waiting for their response.

Avoid this stress by engaging Skene Lawyers now to act on your behalf.

You will never be frustrated with our response time to your queries because we are always available and happy to help.

Our guaranteed 24-hour response times ensure all our clients get the best results each and every time.

We have family lawyers that can attend to ‘after-hour‘ and ‘weekend appointments‘ tailored for your needs. 

Never give up!!!

Your situation may seem overwhelming, but we know how to unravel and resolve the most complicated issues, often with ease.

Delays or inefficiencies can also cause complications, so it’s always best to take legal advice early from an experienced family lawyer.

Engaging Skene Lawyers, early will enhance your chances in settling your matter early and and out of Court.

What does this mean for you?  First, this means that there will be no unpleasant financial surprises if you engage Skene Lawyers.  We are upfront and honest right from the start.

Know before you go!

Regular, Detailed Itemised Accounts.

Avoid surprises.  Know exactly where you stand!

You will receive detailed monthly accounts showing what work has been done on your file, leaving you informed at all times. 

Need an answer now but can’t find a lawyer to speak to?

Book an appointment now at Skene Lawyers and get started. 

After-hour and weekend appointments are always available.

Worried your matter will be passed around the office to different staff members?

Your initial consultation is always conducted by the firm’s Principal and Director, Amanda Skene, who remains involved in your case until the conclusion.   This benefit is that you will always have access to someone familiar with your matter.

Skene Lawyers is one of the most highly sought-after family law firms in Australia with a 5 star google rating.

Experience first-class services.  

Why choose anything less?!

We guarantee you will find us easy to understand.

We will talk to you in your language!

Know where you stand and what is next so you can make the best decisions for you and your children’s future.

Our gift to you, valid for one year after completion of your matter.***

That means, at Skene Lawyers, we guarantee you:

•           24-hour response guarantee to your
queries or your money back;*

•           Immediate Availability; and

•           Fast, accurate, and thorough
professional services.

Principal of Skene Lawyers in office

About Amanda

Amanda has been in the legal field for over 20 years and is the Principal and Director of Skene Lawyers.


You will find Amanda is approachable, passionate, and highly empathetic to people in crisis.  People warm to her ability to place them at ease during stressful times.

She understands people and is a good communicator on all levels.  In addition, being organized, patient and assertive with strong negotiating skills this makes Amanda a highly sought-after Brisbane family lawyer.


Amanda is highly efficient and responsive.  She is accurate, thorough, and always ten steps ahead of the other side.

She has extensive and up-to-date knowledge of the law and has her own network of legal specialists.

Her perseverance, analytical, and investigative skills ensure your case is always comprehensively researched and presented in the best manner.

Whether it is basic negotiations, mediation, or representing you in court, you will find Amanda always delivers.

Positive: Professionalism

“Could not of asked for a better service during stressful times. Amanda was amazing and made our situation so much less stressful. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a service where your not treated as just a number your situation is priority.”

I was referred to Amanda after my marriage ended for legal advice. The other party lodged the consent orders so I needed someone I could trust to navigate me through the process. Amanda was very understanding and patient especially as I wasn’t emotionally coping. Amanda handled all the communication and negotiations on my behalf. I have no hesitation in recommending Amanda.
I am so very thankful for meeting Amanda and having her represent me in my divorce and financial settlement. I had another solicitor before Amanda and I certainly felt the difference. I was very unsure and scared of what to expect as I have never been through anything like this before. But I felt that Amanda was with me the whole way guiding me and supporting me through to a successful outcome. Amanda was very professional through the process. I highly recommend Amanda to anyone reading this. I have NOT been disappointed.
As anyone dealing with a family law issue, I was incredibly stressed and anxious about the court process. Amanda knew how to interact with me, advised me professionally and gave me the reassurance I needed every step of the way. Her rates were fair and I always knew in advance what to expect. I came out the other end of my legal issue in the exact position I had hoped to be in. Thank you again and again.
I found Amanda to be very professional and very helpful in my dealings with her. I was overwhelmed with the documents I was given by my wife’s lawyer, but Amanda made it very easy for me to decide my best course of action in relation to these. I will be recommending Skene lawyers to any of my friends or family who may need legal advice.
Positive: Professionalism, Responsiveness
First class experience dealing with Amanda, very prompt in responding to emails and the advice I received was invaluable. Highly recommended and looking forward to dealing with Amanda and Skene Lawyers in the future.
Absolutely wonderful experience. Dispite my circumstances, Amanda was able to give the best advice and made me feel less overwhelmed and less stressed, aswell as being very professional, I was able to open up and get on a personal level. Will highly recommend to anyone.!
Amanda is extremely knowledgeable and helpful. She assisted me through a difficult time with the upmost professionalism and dedication. I couldn’t rate her services better.
Professionalism tempered with genuine compassion, Amanda handled my case confidently and intuitively, i doubt that i would have been as happy with any other firm.
Positive: Professionalism, Responsiveness
The help I received from Skene lawyer’s was invaluable and highly recommend.
Amanda is very friendly and full of experience. She thinks from a client’s point of view and provide a lot of valuable advice to me. Thank you!
Attention to detail and solution based services made Amanda a pleasure dealing with.
Positive: Professionalism
So at Skene Lawyers, you will be well looked after by experienced, passionate, and responsive lawyers. 

That means, at Skene Lawyers, we guarantee you:

  • 24-hour response guarantee to your queries or your money back*
  • Immediate Availability
  • Fast, accurate, and thorough professional services 

Limited Offer

Call us today and if we can’t settle your matter within 21 days** you will receive a continual 10% off your entire account, from beginning to end, guaranteed. Don’t miss this amazing offer for the month of August 2022.  

Act now.  We are here to help!!

act now, call us, we are here to help

*     Limited to costs that you would have incurred for that query or portion of work performed that, upon review, has not met our guarantee policy.
**    21 days from the date we have received all necessary information from the client and settlement is by way of letter of acceptance of offer to settle.
***   For matters that exceed over $10,000

Disclaimer:  The above information is not to be taken as advice as each matter is unique to its own set of circumstances. We highly recommend that you seek legal advice before you commence any action regarding your matter.

For clarification, please contact us on 0431 336 999 or amanda@skenelawyers.com for an appointment. 

Our Principal, Amanda Skene, is experienced in the issues surrounding family law and can help navigate you through this delicate and emotional path.

Contact Skene Lawyers now to obtain the advice you need.